Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Impact Weekend

Yesterday I was happy to attend a meeting about Mosquito Tactics that took place at the office. I know that sometimes it's easy to see flaws in the organization you are in, and there's always room for improvement, BUT coming from the outside I must say that CISV Sweden is a very impressive organization, that gives out a very professional feeling. Way to go, Sweden! :)

Other than that me and Louise are making our final preparations for the Impact weekend starting tomorrow. I'm very excited to experience an impact first hand, and to train the Swedish Seminar Camp participants (along with Sofia). The seminar camp program is dear to me so I am happy to meet a lot of the Swedish participants going abroad.

Also, I will be experiencing another "first time" tomorrow - my first time driving in Sweden. Though I've had my license for quite a while, I have never driven in snow before so I'm a little anxious. But I'll have Louise at my side so at least I won't get lost (no pressure, Louise).

See you on the other side of the weekend. Bye!


  1. When driving on snow and ice:
    Don't break too much while in a curve
    Don't pull the handbreake too much while turning
    Don't drive too fast unless you want to.

    For more inspiration, watch some rally videos online. Have fun

  2. I just trained the Danish seminar campers last weekend and it was a lot of fun. Say hi to the participants going to Indonesia from me and good luck with the driving :)
    And what is that lovely black sweat shirt? Could it be from the area around Cockermouth?

  3. It is always nice to explore new places, new cultures, and meet new people.
    keep on having fun.

    Shuka (Einav's dad)
